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SSB Stadium Reforms August 17, 2013, 05:03:55 pm by SGOlympian
Over the course of a few days, SSB Stadium Forums have created major reforms in all areas of the website.
+Removed child boards under Unofficial Super Smash Bros. Games. +Removed Arcade, Gallery, and Links boards from Site Discussion. You can discuss about these features in the Site Feedback board. +Updated the description of the stadium boards. +Removed staff discussion boards. +Merged Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS into one board. +All topics inside the deleted boards have been moved to their appropriate boards.
+Removed the custom tabs of Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter and moved them into the Links site feature.
+The number of posts to become a Iron Member and beyond has been halved. +Staff membergroups and groups beyond Platinum Member all have new images. +Permissions updated: Guests and New Members can now see all boards, except from CycloneSpin's Domain. +Removed arcade moderator, gallery/links moderator, banned member, stadium queen, and stadium king membergroups.
Staff: +Removed Mario133 from Super Smash Bros. Melee boards. +Removed Destiny from Content Team by request. +Updated the SSB Stadium Staff Referral Guide.
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Stadium Gaming Olympics IV - Home Run Contest Results July 18, 2013, 05:42:43 pm by SGOlympian
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Home Run Contest: Iron - Ike: Treklink256 - 3302.1ft Bronze - Marth: herugotto - 2954.7ft Silver - Luigi: BlueKandy - 4185.8ft Gold - Sheik: Poisonesque - 4116.6ft Platinum - Pikachu: HyperXshadow - 3965.3ft Emerald - Yoshi: SGOlympian - 4079.8ft Diamond - Ganondorf: N/A Ness/Falco: N/A Fox NJA: SGOlympian - 2500.3ft Lucario BMO: SGOlympian - 389.9ft Pit NBD: SGOlympian - 2706.8ft Diddy Kong NSA: SGOlympian - 3979.4ft Ike 3SS: SGOlympian - 3796.4ft Snake AAA: SGOlympian - 3041.3ft No Bat Allowed: Falco: Treklink256 - 530.3ft Toon Link: SGOlympian - 900.2ft Luigi: Treklink256 - 964.1ft No Double Bat Drops: Bowser: SGOlympian - 3210.7ft Kirby: octopus6318 - 3238.2ft Olimar: SGOlympian - 4121.8ft No Triple Bat Drops: ROB: SGOlympian - 3632.0ft Fox: SGOlympian - 4504.9ft Sheik: SGOlympian - 4154.4ft Super Smash Bros. Melee - Home Run Contest: Iron - Dr. Mario: Destiny - 2108.6ft Bronze - Ganondorf: hotdogturtle - 7255.8ft Silver - Kirby: N/A Gold - Falcon: Treklink256 - 4576.6ft Platinum - Pikachu: N/A Diamond - Mewtwo: N/A Mario NJA: Treklink256 - 1782.8ft Falcon BMO: Treklink256 - 939.3ft Link NBD: Treklink256 - 2190.0ft Falco 5MO: Treklink256 - 1012.1ft Pichu 3SS: Treklink256 - 1400.6ft Roy AAA: Treklink256 - 3395.8ft No Bat Allowed: Samus: Treklink256 - 651.6ft Ice Climbers: Treklink256 - 1037.7ft Ganondorf: Treklink256 - 2867.5ft Project M Home Run Contest will be postponed. Hot Modes: Screwed up Stadium SSBB Home Run Contest Champion: SGOlympian - 69 points, 13 wins SSBM Home Run Contest Champion: Treklink256 - 50 points, 10 wins Home Run Contest All-Around Gamer: StarfoxGod3000 - 28 challenges Most Valuable Gamer: Treklink256 – 79 points, 13 wins Home Run Contest Ladder: RNK – Player -------------- Points (Wins) 01 -- Treklink256 ---------- 79 (13) 02 -- SGOlympian ----------- 69 (13) 03 -- StarfoxGod3000 ------- 62 04 -- Destiny -------------- 28 (1) 05 -- Kuu ------------------ 19 06 -- Poisonesque ---------- 18 (1) 06 -- Inconceivable -------- 18 08 -- hotdogturtle --------- 15 (1) 08 -- ssbstadiumfan1 ------- 15 10 -- herugotto ------------ 12 (1) 11 -- HyperXshadow --------- 10 (1) 11 -- HRCRalF -------------- 10 13 -- ICOGxRelinquish ------ 9 14 -- Mensch --------------- 8 15 -- BlueKandy ------------ 6 (1) 16 -- RLT ------------------ 4 16 -- starly221 ------------ 4 18 -- HM Slave ------------- 3 18 -- Paradox -------------- 3 20 -- oZzy ----------------- 2 21 -- Crono ---------------- 1 21 -- 1---1 ---------------- 1 21 -- G-mod ---------------- 1 21 -- PureOffense ---------- 1
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Stadium Gaming Olympics IV - Break the Targets Results July 18, 2013, 05:41:15 pm by SGOlympian
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Break the Targets - Level 1: Fox: SGOlympian - 6.65 Wario: SGOlympian - 10.41 Lucas: hotdogturtle - 10.63 Bowser D_B: hotdogturtle - 17.85 Jigglypuff U_B: hotdogturtle - 24.26 Toon Link Riddle: SGOlympian - 15.33 (10 targets) Mario/Luigi: HyperXshadow - 5.21 Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Break the Targets - Level 2: Lucario: SGOlympian - 8.65 Snake: SGOlympian - 9.48 Sonic: SGOlympian - 7.51 Donkey Kong NJA: StarfoxGod3000 - 2 targets Fox Cracker Launcher: SGOlympian - 13.43 Samus "Z": SGOlympian - 17.75 Fox/Falco: HyperXshadow - 4.98 Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Break the Targets - Level 3: Mario: hotdogturtle - 11.48 Zelda: SGOlympian - 11.90 Ike: hotdogturtle - 13.51 ROB Riddle: kuu - 9 targets Olimar BSS: SGOlympian - 2.58 Meta Knight LTA: SGOlympian - 16.51 Snake/Sonic: HyperXshadow - 7.76 Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Break the Targets - Level 4: Luigi: SGOlympian - 21.25 Jigglypuff: SGOlympian - 22.06 Bowser: SGOlympian - 24.06 Marth ADA: SGOlympian - 26.00 Ike N_B: SGOlympian - 41.66 Falco D_B: SGOlympian - 19.90 Marth/Ike: N/A Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Break the Targets - Level 5: Falco: SGOlympian - 9.66 Ness: SGOlympian - 13.80 Game and Watch: SGOlympian - 13.96 Wolf ANA: SGOlympian - 22.18 Link RSS: SGOlympian - 7.26 Pikachu F_B: SGOlympian - 43.81 Link/Toon Link: N/A Super Smash Bros. Melee - Break the Targets: Mewtwo: pokefantom - 5.00 Marth: Treklink256 - 9.77 Yoshi: LinksDarkArrows - 7.48 Dr. Mario AUA: Destiny - 9 targets Ganondorf Riddle: Destiny - 6 targets Kirby LSS: hotdogturtle - 4.73 Super Smash Bros. Melee - Mismatch Break the Targets: Link on Fox: pokefantom - 7.49 Falco on Roy: N/A Ice Climbers on Ness: pokefantom: 17.84 Super Smash Bros. 64 - Break the Targets: Samus: pokefantom - 9.00 Jigglypuff: pokefantom - 13.53 Kirby: pokefantom - 14.47 Falcon Riddle: pokefantom, Treklink256, StarfoxGod3000 - 4 targets Luigi AUA: pokefantom - 17.43 Link D_B: pokefantom - 20.45 Super Smash Flash 2 - Break the Targets: Black Mage: N/A Lloyd: DARKcpu0 - 8.83 Bomber Man: N/A Project M Break the Targets will be postponed. Bold denotes screwed up stadium records. I don't know the world records for SSB64 BtT screwed up stadium, but it'd be appreciated if you can tell me. Hot Modes: Melee Break the Targets, Brawl Break the Targets Level 3 SSBB Break the Targets Champion: SGOlympian - 127 points SSBM Break the Targets Champion: pokefantom – 19 points SSB64 Break the Targets Champion: pokefantom - 30 points Break the Targets All-Around Gamer: Treklink256 – 95 points Most Valuable Gamer: SGOlympian – 127 points, 23 wins World Record Setter: SGOlympian – 7 WRs Break the Targets Ladder: RNK – Player -------------- Points (Wins) 01 -- SGOlympian ----------- 127 (23) 02 -- Treklink256 ---------- 95 (2) 03 -- StarfoxGod3000 ------- 62 (2) 04 -- pokefantom ----------- 49 (9) 05 -- hotdogturtle --------- 41 (6) 06 -- Destiny -------------- 33 (2) 07 -- HyperXshadow --------- 19 (3) 08 -- WNX ------------------ 10 09 -- LinksDarkArrows ------ 5 (1) 09 -- Kuu ------------------ 5 (1) 09 -- DARKcpu0 ------------- 5 (1) 12 -- Poisonesque ---------- 4 13 -- r00m3 ---------------- 3 13 -- ssbstadiumfan1 ------- 3 13 -- 007 ------------------ 3 14 -- Mensch --------------- 2 15 -- Crono ---------------- 1 15 -- StreetFighterIITurbo - 1 15 -- HM Slave ------------- 1 15 -- HRCRalF -------------- 1 15 -- 1---1 ---------------- 1 15 -- G-mod ---------------- 1 15 -- oZzy ----------------- 1 15 -- RLT ------------------ 1
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Stadium Gaming Olympics IV - Break the Targets July 01, 2013, 09:00:18 pm by SGOlympian
Break the Targets events start now and will end on July 7, 2013 at 11:59 PM PST. Here is the characters list.
Break the Targets – Level 1:
Fox Wario Lucas Bowser D_B Jigglypuff U_B Toon Link Riddle Mario/Luigi
Break the Targets – Level 2:
Lucario Snake Sonic Donkey Kong NJA Fox Cracker Launcher Only Samus “Z” Only Fox/Falco
Break the Targets – Level 3:
Mario Zelda Ike ROB Riddle Olimar BSS Meta Knight LTA Snake/Sonic
Break the Targets – Level 4:
Jigglypuff Luigi Bowser Marth ADA Ike N_B Falco D_B Marth/Ike
Break the Targets – Level 5:
Falco Ness Game and Watch Wolf ANA Link RSS Pikachu F_B Link/Toon Link
Break the Targets – Melee:
Mewtwo Marth Yoshi Dr. Mario AUA Ganondorf Riddle Kirby LSS
Link on Fox Falco on Roy Ice Climbers on Ness
Seek Mode:
Ness Fox Roy
Break the Targets - SSB64:
Samus Jigglypuff Kirby Falcon Riddle Luigi AUA Link D_B
Break the Targets - Super Smash Flash 2:
Black Mage Lloyd Bomber Man
Break the Targets - Project M:
Zero Suit Samus Lucario Ivysaur
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SSB Stadium Forums Still a WIP June 20, 2013, 03:01:56 am by Admin
The SSB Stadium Forums, after being around for 1 1/4 years is still a work in progress. It is not done yet and we strive to make it better.
This topic is created for all members to respond with feedback that would improve this website.
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